Bibel und christlicher Glaube - 25.04.2024

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FCDI (Freundeskreis christlicher Dichter und Internetevangelisten) is an evangelistic website of the FCDI "Freundeskreis christlicher Dichter und Internetevangelisten" (= Circle of Friends of Christian Poets and Internet Evangelists), who mainly create and maintain German-language websites.
You can find more information about us and our projects and domains on the German-language website


Rainer Jetzschmann (Dipl. Ing.)


Unless otherwise stated, mostly Rainer Jetzschmann


You are welcome to write to us. Your email will be forwarded to the relevant FCDI staff. The following email addresses are available to you:


Pastoral care:

Questions on biblical topics:

Objective and purpose of this website

According to the name of this website, is intended to make clear, we understand our mission, as ambassadors on behalf of Christ, to pass on God's message (Gospel of Jesus Christ) to our fellow human beings:

Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us:

we pray you in Christ's stead,
be ye reconciled to God

2 Corinthians 5,20


Unless expressly stated otherwise, all elaborations were created by ourselves and are therefore automatically subject to © copyright protection for intellectual property and may therefore only be used with the expressive permission of the webmaster.

If explicit reference was made to this copyright information or if no author or author "Rainer Jetzschmann" is given, the following applies:
Every Christian who believes in the Bible (the standard is the Bible) is hereby permitted to use unchanged texts for building up the kingdom of God and for non-commercial purposes (for Bible study, church work, expression and dissemination, etc.). If contributions are used in non-commercial print products (e.g. community papers) or on other websites, the source ( and, if applicable, the author must be mentioned. NO approval has to be obtained for this!

Pictures and drawings may not be used!

It is expressly NOT permitted to print content in commercial or non-free products without permission. In individual cases, however, inquiries can be sent by e-mail to
be judged.

Most of the Bible citations were taken from the King James Bible

  Copyright © 2004-2024 by Rainer Jetzschmann,